Thursday, October 2, 2008

ninetyfive hundredths of a person

In Obama's plan 95% of citizens in this country will receive tax breaks; that is, people whose incomes are less than $250,000. This is who Obama refers to as 'real Americans'. Those who make more than $250,000 a year do not qualify as American. Now these lucky few--the few that have managed to reach places in their careers most people in this country want for themselves--are rewarded for their hard work with fewer rights and more taxes. Hurrah.

It almost makes me wish only 60% of people in America earned less than $250k, that way I could have titled this post 'three fifths of a person'. Somehow that seems a little bit more fitting.

By the way, this is what Obama calls 'fair'.

1 comment:

Orez said...

The other lie about 95% of Americans getting tax cuts - only 53% of wage earners pay taxes. Those that make over the median income in America (the top half of wage earners) pay 97% of all income taxes.