Thursday, July 2, 2009

God bless the Governator

I know there's a crisis in California and all, but for some reason I just can't help but smile at the total failure of a government that's too big for the good of it's people.

Arnold sums the whole thing up beautifully:

"In four weeks, in the last four weeks, instead of negotiating and coming to a budget agreement, they decided to debate and to debate and to have hearings and more debates and more hearings and finger-pointing and assigning blame. At the end of the day, they haven't accomplished anything."

But man, am I glad I got my California tax refund back when I did. Though the IOU I would have gotten might have been handy, since I'm running low on toilet paper.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Law and order

I don't know why I find this little bit of dialogue hilarious. But I do.

An officer acting in perfect accordance with Kansas law regarding domestic violence gives the suspect the low down in three little words (four if you count the contraction).

Lady being arrested: Y'all ain't gonna do nothin' to him for shoving me?
Cop doing the arresting: Ma'am, you started the fight.
Lady: No, I'm talkin' about yesterday he shoved me.
Cop: No. We're not.

It's just heartening to hear some who knows so steadfastly where his responsibility stops, and someone else's starts.

I guess it helps I love old episodes of Cops, too.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

In celebration of the freedoms we lost today (sanctity of contracts and such), here's a video of me with my new Remington 700 SPS.